Sourdough Simplified!

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A free e-mail series mean to simplify sourdough bread baking for you! Five days of sourdough knowledge to help you on your way to baking up the best sourdough bread ever. 

loaf of sourdough bread with caption: Sourdough Simplified Free E-Mail Series!

Whenever someone asks me, “What’s your favorite thing to bake?” My brain skips over cookies, cakes, and brownies and goes right to bread. I don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s the former science teacher in me. I was a biology grad. Science nerd at heart. I can’t help it, baking bread is part science, part magic ALL awesome.

And this last year one of my baking goals for 2020 was to finally tackle sourdough bread once and for all. And since everyone has been doing a lot of quarantine baking these last few months, sourdough bread has seen a major comeback! Maybe it’s because bread was scarce. Yeast was non-existent on the shelves. 

Sourdough bread came to the rescue. 

But making sourdough bread can be downright confusing! I know when I started on this journey in January I was a bit confused. Ok, a lot confused. I did all this research and reading. And I ended up just feeling more and more confused. Eventually I just jumped in. Making lots of mistakes. Learning a ton along the way. 

So I’m hoping I can now share with you all that I’ve learned and speed up this sourdough process for you. You can skip past the research, the confusion, and just get started. How awesome does that sound? 


Sourdough Simplified Free E-mail Series

So today I’m presenting you with a Sourdough Simplified- Email Course. This 5 day email series includes:

  1. What makes sourdough different than commercial bread
  2. Nutritious benefits of eating sourdough
  3. My favorite tools and resources
  4. The best flour to make a sourdough starter with
  5. Where you can BUY a sourdough starter and just jump right in!
  6. What water is best for your starter
  7. Step by step photos to make your own starter
  8. How to feed your starter so it works for YOUR schedule
  9. Recipes that will work, are delicious, and don’t take a lot of effort on your part

And so, so, much more! So if you have been wanting to board this sourdough train but are a bit fearful let me give you a hand. Sourdough doesn’t have to be scary! Let me simplify it for you.

By the end of the week, I know you will have the confidence to tackle so many recipes – like the best Sourdough Cinnamon Rolls

How Does This Work?

After signing up, you’ll receive 1 email per day for 5 days.

After that, I’ll send you 1 email per week with popular recipes and baking tutorials as I update them with recipe notes and easier instructions.

But I’m Already Subscribed To Your List

If you’re already on my email list, you won’t receive these emails unless you sign up using the form below. This series is in addition to what I regularly send out to you!

It’s Really Free?

Yup. This is a completely free email series. All that’s happening is me showing up in your inbox. You don’t need to do anything– no homework– just read, learn, and get excited to apply some of the sourdough success tips in your own kitchen. You can unsubscribe at any time.

(Honestly there are no gimmicks, sponsorships, or promotions of any kind. Yes there are some affiliate links in some posts but these are products I use and love. This is just pure baking FUN and crazy USEFUL. I created this email series in addition to the regular recipes you see on my blog.)

So you ready to dive into the sourdough baking fun? Just sign up below to get started!

Sign up below to get started with baking sourdough bread!


I can’t wait to bake up some sourdough bread with you 🙂





  1. I am very excited to start my sourdough class and really appreciate you taking the time to teach
    us old non cooks…thank you very much….

    1. aw you’re welcome Dee!! 🙂

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