Easy As Apple Pie Series

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I’m not going to lie, I count down the day when it goes from hot, humid summer days to those crisp Autumn days. Leaves changing. And my favorite part – all the wonderful flavors and ingredients to bake with. 

Caramel. Cinnamon. Pumpkin, of course! And yes the apples. Oh the apples. Apple picking in New England is always an event. And I look forward to it every year and then all those red beauties begging to be made into an pie just sitting on my counter. 

I get so excited for all the pies I bake up on Thanksgiving. But when I asked you all what is one thing you wish you could learn to make, and make better – the majority shouted…PIE CRUST!!

And although this year maybe our Thanksgiving table might be a bit smaller, that doesn’t mean it won’t have an apple pie in the center of it.  I love making pies. But if I’m being truthful, it hasn’t always been a piece of pie (😆)

Are you already so excited to join this 5-day email challenge and know you want to sign up? Forget reading ahead…go you. Then sign up here!

If you are already on my mailing list..there’s no need to sign up but keep reading for all the awesome details!

This Month’s Baking Challenge…

Normally I pick a recipe each month for you all to bake and pick one winner at the end. I’m doing this a bit MORE this month! This month’s recipe is about making a deep dish apple pie but I’m going to help you tackle this recipe over a free 5-day e-mail series. In addition to showing you how to make an apple pie recipe this month I will be choosing ONE lucky reader to win a $100 Amazon gift card. 

  • Step One: Make This Deep Dish Apple Pie recipeI will be helping you accomplish this during the 5-day series or you can make on your own time. Not a fan of deep dish? Try making this classic apple pie recipe or apple crostata instead to be eligible to win!
  • Make and Comment: Be sure to leave a comment on the apple pie post.
  • Share: Take a photo and share it by November 30, 2020 – 12:00 AM EST. You have three options on how to share your photo:
    1.  Share on Instagram. Just be sure to tag me – @bostongirlbakes and use the hashtag #bostongirbakes
    2. Facebook Community –I have a private Facebook group where we share all of our amazing creations and ask questions! If you’re not already inside, click here to request access. Please note that I approve everyone manually to ensure the community remains a fun and friendly place, so it may take several days for your request to be approved.  You can submit to one or the other, or to BOTH for two entries. Woo hoo double entries!
    3. Email me: [email protected] 

Getting Comfortable With Crust

Growing up, my mom was pretty good at whipping up a pie. Oh the peach pies in the summer. My favorite!

And an apple pie every Thanksgiving. The best. The absolute best. But then I realized her secret. Store-bought pie crust!! Say what?!

Yup. So when I decided to tackle pie crust, I enrolled into a baking class at a local culinary school – Cambridge Culinary School. And I remember the moment the instructor said add the water. 

I did. Just like she said. All of it. BIG oops.

And then she came over. I asked her, “How’s this?” The look on her face said it all. I added way too much water. And what I had on my counter was more like flour paste, than anything resembling a flaky pie crust dough. #fail

But I refused to give up. My science nerdy background starting digging into what makes a great pie crust. I read. I learned. I experimented. Sure, there were pie crusts thrown in the trash. Or hidden under a giant layer of whipped cream.

But all of those pie experiments have led to me this: making a pie from scratch doesn’t have to be difficult!

It’s Time To Break Down Your Pie Crust Fears!

So recently I asked my readers – what’s your biggest struggle in the kitchen? And what would you like to see focused on the blog next. 

“How to make a flaky pie crust!” 

And just like the Easy As Apple pie series was born

So I’ve decided to run a 5-day Easy As Apple Pie Series, starting November 16th where I will show you and break down the process of making an apple pie from crust to bake.

Everything You Need to Know about Easy As Apple Pie Series(+ Quick Links within this Post):

  • What is Easy As Apple Pie Series?!
  • Everything you need to know to get started. My best tips & Pie Baking 101 how-tos for getting started!
  • Go-to Pie Crust Recipes – From single pie crust, to double, all butter and more. 
  • All of our Pie Crust Recipes – I’ve updated old favorites, and have begun posting some new pie recipes (more coming soon!)
  • How to join in on the pie baking fun! (+ a MAJOR giveaway you won’t want to miss!)

So what is Easy As Apple Pie Series!?

Easy As Apple Pie series stemmed directly from YOUR pie questions and struggles. Making pie crust can be intimidating at first but once you get the hang of the basics you will soon feel like a pro! (Like I said, it wasn’t that long ago I was in the same. exact. spot. Seriously!)

You need help with the fundamentals. Things like…

  • “I can never get a good pie crust with a fruit filling. It’s always soggy!”
  • “I always end up with a tough, dry, and crumbly pie crust.”
  • “Getting a reliable, flaky tender crust. Mine never seem to get there.”
  • “How do you not get that gap between crust and filling? ”
  • “Rolling it out. How do I get the correct thickness?”

While these aspects of making a pie seem so simple on the surface, it can also be freakin’ overwhelming. Why’s that? People have been making pies for years! So why is is SO frustrating?!


& that’s exactly why I’ve created Easy As Apple Pie, an entire pie-making series centered around empowering you to tackle your pie crust struggles once and for all and confidently display your beautiful apple pie for your family and friends to dig into this year around the holiday table.


Starting November 16th, each day you will get one e-mail from me that shows you the next step in the apple pie making process. At most you will spend 30 minutes a day tackling each step. Making a pie in one day is so time-consuming! And daunting! So I want to show you how you can tackle an apple pie from scratch over 5 days. 

And by the end you can have an apple pie baked ready to enjoy. Or frozen, ready to be baked for Thanksgiving day!

BGB’s Easy As Apple Pie: The Busy Girl’s Guide To Making A Pie From Scratch!

The BGB’s Easy As Apple Pie! series is all about giving you the freedom & confidence to make an apple pie. I’m going to show you how to break down the steps and process so you can make a pie from scratch, over 5 days. Just a few minutes each day is all you need.  Plus teach you all my tips, tricks, and secrets that I’ve picked up over the past 10 years on making a killer pie to serve. You don’t have to buy pre-made pie crust, or order one from a bakery because you can do it yourself. 

Easy As Apple Pie is ALL about setting you for the holiday season. You’re not only going to learn how to make a perfect pie crust, and bake a pie from start to finish but you’re going to seriously love it. And at the end of the five days, you will have a homemade apple pie from scratch ready to be baked for your Thanksgiving guests.

How To Join In On The Pie Baking Fun!

  • The series will be delivered via e-mail so be sure to sign up! It’s totally free. And if you’re already on my e-mail list then you will automatically get the e-mails! But if you’re brand new to me and not on my mailing list, then be sure to sign up below so you don’t miss out!
  • Upon sign-up you will be given my Ultimate Pie Guide, complete with tips, step by step tutorials, and recipes to keep and use over the 5-day series.
  • Each day you will get one new video to tackle in your own kitchen that breaks down the next step of the apple pie process. These videos are NOT on the blog and some are brand new for this series. Each video will show you how to break down each step of the apple pie process. 
  • And if you join along, and make the apple pie there one lucky reader will be chosen to win a $100 Amazon gift card!

What Will I Learn?! 

  • My Go-To Pie Crust Recipes <– This will be included as a free mini e-book for you to keep and download.
  • How To Make A Lattice Pie Crust <– Again a free printable will be included with step by step photos but I will also show you how to tackle this beautiful design over video.
  • How To Blind Bake A Crust (not needed for the apple pie recipe) but will be an extra bonus video for you to learn if you want to tackle future pies that require it.
  • My secret trick to get your pie dough to come together easily! 
  • How To Freeze Your Pie (baked or unbaked!) <– a brand new freebie for you to keep!
  • The recommended pie pans to use that I own and love.
  • How to finally say goodbye to that soggy bottom pie crust!
  • & so much more!


So are you ready?! Sign Up Here!



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