Whisking Method in Baking

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Whisking is one of the famous methods in baking. Read on to know more about it, and try out some of these recipes.

electric whisk in a bowl of whipped cream


Did you know that baking helps us express ourselves? I love baking and have been doing so since I was just a kid. Ok maybe it started with just a basic chocolate chip cookie, but everyone has to start somewhere right?

Even then, baking might seem tedious to some, but it allows me to focus and just be creative. Plus, I get to share my goodies with my loved ones! Watching everyone light up as they take a bite of one of my creations is the best feeling. Yes baking bring me pure joy and is a such a passion.

And part of that passion is always learning more and more about this hobby of mine. One of those skills is whisking. This, I believe, is the most famous method and is one of the first skills I try to teach my middle school students.

See Also:

  • Did you know that you can use the melting method in baking to make for a fudgy chocolate cake? Learn more how!
  • The all in one method for baking is the perfect method to learn if you’re new to baking! Use this method to make easy cakes and loaf breads.
  • Want to make perfect biscuits and pie crust? Then you need to learn more about the rubbing in method!

What is Whisking?

In baking, we put wet and dry ingredients together. This can be done in different ways. The whisking method uses whisks to combine all ingredients together as quickly as possible. It is also done so air will be incorporated into the mixture and increase its volume.

Why Whisk?

  1. For Creating Light and Airy Foam

    The whisking method is used for different purposes. This includes aerating egg whites. This allows air bubbles to form in the mixture where the broken egg proteins reform around thus resulting in light and airy foam we can use for macarons and meringue.
  1. For Whipping Cream

    Same with the first one, whisking helps heavy cream incorporate air bubbles that can help create the foam. This is very helpful for making whipped cream and creating toppings and fillings.
  1. For Salad Dressings and Mayonnaise

    Whisking helps fats to break down and be well-blended with a water-based mixture. This is called emulsification. The more vigorous whisking, the more stable emulsification you will have.
  1. For Distribution

    Whether wet or dry ingredients, whisking allows you to blend the ingredients together. This can help in spreading everything faster than a wooden spoon or fork.
bowl of whipped cream with a whisk in it

Preparing for Whisking method

I would always prefer to have all the equipment and ingredients near me as I bake. It improves the quality of my baking since I do not have to move around so much. Here are the things we need to prepare for baking:

  • Clean Mixing Bowl – This is where you will place all the ingredients for whisking. I recommend using a glass or metal mixing bowl, because they can be easily cleaned. Plastic bowls can retain grease and residue over time. When whisking egg whites, I recommend wiping down the bowl with a bit of lemon juice or vinegar first.
  • Whisk – Of course, you need your whisk for this method. A balloon whisk or french whisk is perfectly fine.
  • Wet Ingredients – Depending on what you have in your recipe, prepare your wet ingredients such as eggs or egg whites, liquid like milk, and fat like oil or butter. Make sure they are at room temperature.
  • Dry Ingredients – These are the ones you need for your batter or dough such as baking powder, sugar, and flour. I always recommend weighing your flour for best results.
  • Other Ingredients – Will you put fruits or candy toppings on your cake or cookies? Place them near you as well.
  • Pan or tray – This will depend on where you want your batter to be baked. It can be in a large baking tray, muffin tray, or loaf pan.
boston creme pie macarons

Ways to Use the Whisk

I have been using the whisk since I was a child, and it is just recently that I found out that there are three ways to use a whisk. Here it is:

  1. Side whisking : The most efficient of the three, side whisking involves moving your whisk in a side-to-side motion allowing shear force
  2. Circular whisking: This is when you use your whisk in a circular motion using your dominant hand. This prevents your mixture from burning on some parts of your bowl when it is heated.
  3. Beating: This happens when you whisk diagonally to slightly lift your mixture up and down. This is effective for the whipped egg mixture because it allows more air to enter creating a fluffy result.

Recipes that Use the Whisking Method

If you want to try the whisking method on your own, try these recipes.

  1. Macaron Recipe – Try making these Boston creme pie macarons with ganache and vanilla pastry cream.
  2. Meringue Recipe – Make these peppermint meringues perfect for your Christmas cookie platter.
  3. Sponge Cake Recipe – This sponge cake is light and airy and just needs some fresh berries and whipped cream to serve it with.
sponge cake with whipped cream and strawberries on a cake stand

Final Thoughts

Whisking is one of the famous baking methods. It has been with us for centuries, and it has helped homes create treats they love. If you are in a tasty light and airy baked good, try this method, and it will not disappoint.



    1. aw glad to hear it!!

  1. this helped me with my school work

    1. aw that’s awesome Corey! Happy to hear that!

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